What is body liposculpture?

Body liposculpture is a safe but invasive method that removes persistent fat from specific areas. Contrary to traditional liposuction body liposculpture doesn’t remove large quantities of fat but contours and enhances the silhouette. Moreover, it is less painful than traditional liposuction and offers the doctor the possibility not only to remove fat from areas where it is accumulated but also to transfer it on other areas that need extra volume. This particular procedure is performed on areas like the abdomen, the arms, the back, the thighs and the buttocks.

Who’s a good candidate?

Body liposculpture is an ideal option for men and women who wish to lose fat from specific body areas and don’t seem to succeed with exercising or dieting. Candidates should be close to their ideal weight, healthy and with an elastic skin since liposculpture doesn’t treat skin laxity, whether it is due to weight fluctuations or to chronological ageing.

Facts I need to know

The most common liposculpting techniques are traditional liposuction, or even better, the use of advanced laser or radiofrequencies technologies (Bodytite). Depending on the case fat is removed from specific areas and, if needed, transferred to other, sculpting the whole body. Before choosing each method there is a diagnosis and a body mapping and the result of liposculpture is body contour, wherever desired, and skin firmness, wherever necessary. These new techniques melt fat before removing it, therefore limiting to minimum any traditional liposuction complications.. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and takes from 2 to 4 hours, depending on the size of the area treated.

Recovery Time

After the surgery patients should rest for a few days and return to their every day routine 4 to 5 days later. At first there will be some mild pain, bruising and swelling on the areas treated. Patients can begin exercising again after 1 to 2 weeks. Results are immediately visible after the surgery but continue to improve for the next 6 months. If patients want to maintain results for a long time they should follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly. There is also the Laser Lipo method that requires less downtime, with minimal swelling and rarely any bruising.

Doctor’s Remarks

After the surgery patients should rest for a few days and return to their every day routine 4 to 5 days later. At first there will be some mild pain, bruising and swelling on the areas treated. Patients can begin exercising again after 1 to 2 weeks. Results are immediately visible after the surgery but continue to improve for the next 6 months. If patients want to maintain results for a long time they should follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly. There is also the Laser Lipo method that requires less downtime, with minimal swelling and rarely any bruising.