The surgery is quite simple and safe and is performed in an organised clinic, usually under general anesthesia and does not require the patient to spend the night at the hospital. Implants are selected by the doctor depending always on the patient’s needs and wishes.
Implant Types
There are different silicone implants in different shapes and sizes, round or anatomical (in the shape of a drop), with smaller or bigger projection with different textures and silicone composition in order to satisfy every case. The type of implant is chosesn after the doctor consults with the patient and makes the necessary measurements. Here you can find more information on the different kinds of implants and their advantages.
Where are the incisions placed?
In order to place the implants the doctor makes only one incision either via the armpit either along the edge of the areola (periareolar incision) or below the breast. In any case the incision is as small as possible and 20 days after the surgery it can be smoothed with the help of a laser.
How deep below the muscle are implants placed?
There are two different ways for your surgeon to insert the implant: under your breast tissue and in front of your muscle or behind your breast muscle. A very popular technique is Dual Plane that combines the advantages of both the above methods (in front of the muscle and behind the muscle). The final choice depends on the patients wishes and their chest anatomy.
Implants and Breast Cancer
A woman who has had breast implants is more protected from breast cancer for the following reasons: on one hand she must have her breast checked regularly so diagnosis is always on time and at an early stage and, on the other, the mammary gland is reduced, because of the implants, and so is the chance of cellular alterations. All the above conclusions have been reached after scientific research of several years and are accepted by the scientific community since a long time.
Implants and breast-feeding
Implants do not obstruct breast-feeding and do not intervene with the milk’s quality since they are carefully placed in a protective membrane and they are not in direct contact with the aerola nor the mammary glands
Implants Lifetiem
The results of a breast augmentation last for many years – implants have a lifetime duration and do not need to be replaced- however patients must be aware that weight fluctuations as well as chronological ageing may affect breast’s appearance.