What’s an inner thigh lift surgery?

Sagging is very likely to appear in the inner thigh area because of ageing or because of weight loss. The result is for men and women to lose their self confidence and wish to improve this situation but exercising and dieting is often proven insufficient. Thigh lift surgery smooths skin and removes excess skin radically improving the area’s appearance.

Who’s a good candidate?

This particular surgery concerns healty adults, both men and women, with a stable body weight and with no preexisting medical conditions, that wish to remove sagging skin from the inner thigh area in order to improve their image. Inner thigh skin laxity mostly concerns patients who have lost a large amount of weight.

Facts I need to know

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia, though in some cases it can be performed under sedation. It doesn’t take more than 3 hours and patients are not required to stay overnight at the clinic. Depending on the extent of the problem and the particular needs of each case the doctor is going to choose the appropriate technique. When the amount of skin and fat removed are significant then the case is more complicated and the incisions are larger. As it happens with many procedures, an inner thigh lift surgery can be combined with other cosmetic surgeries, such as a buttock lift or a liposuction. The results can last for many years, as long as there are no significant weight changes.

Recovery Time

After the surgery there is usually soreness, swelling, bruising and a discomfort feeling. The area is covered with bandages and a special compression garment is placed around the thighs in order to limit the swelling. All the symptoms subside in the few weeks following surgery, patients can return to their work 1 to 2 weeks later and they can resume their normal routine after 3 weeks. During the first days following the procedure it is very important that patients move carefully to help the bruising fade quickly and the incisions heal. After about 6 weekes, when the body has completeley recovered, results will be completely visible: the thighs will look well shaped and the skin will be smooth and firm.

Doctor’s Remarks

After a detailed consultation we can reach a personalised surgical approach, always depending on the extent of the problem and the specific wishes of each patient. In many cases we choose to combine different techniques, like Body Tite but with smaller incisions. However, we often face a significant skin laxity, particularly when patients have lost a lot of weight, that does not allow us to perform smaller incisions. In these cases incisions will be hidden under the underwear and will extend for a few centimeters to the inner thigh area reaching down to the knee. But even in the cases of large incisions needed I try to hide them in the inner thigh area and smooth them with a cold fractional laser technique during the visits following the surgery.