The Piezoelectric Rhinoplasty is the most advanced rhinoplasty method and has significant advantages compared to a traditional rhinoplasty. The surgeon can control with precision every move since Piezo Rhinoplasty is performed as an open procedure and gives clear vision of the full extent of the nasal pyramid, something that is not possible during a closed rhinoplasty. Moreover, osteotomies, are performed, when necessary with greater control and precision, not with the use of a hammer, and therefore unwanted fractures, which are quite common during traditional rhinoplasties, are avoided. Bones are sculpted and reshaped according to our wishes while in many cases we don’t even have to break them. This method offers a safe and precise result and is suitable for patients with sensitive bones, after an injury, bones of elderly patients or patients that have already undergone a rhinoplasty. In addition, it can be performed to perfectly correct asymmetrical nasal bones a result that traditional rhinoplasty cannot achieve. Lastly, recovery is very easy, painless, without many bruising or swelling especially compared to a traditional rhinoplasty.